Using the Desktop Client
Application Areas
The desktop application is broken up into several functional areas. We’ll briefly discuss each of the areas and then go into depth. Please refer to the following screen shot as you read.
The Left side bar auto-hides (minimizes) and opens on mouse-over. It can be locked open with the double arrows at the bottom. The left side bar contains the menu, SIP phone, Community selector, Meeting Room selector and Community Members section.
The Right side bar also auto-hides and opens on mouse-over. The Right side bar has the chat room or private chat conversation selector and also the WebApp selector. What is selected here will be displayed in the Chat and WebApp Area
When in a meeting room, user avatars and any live videos or deskshares will be displayed in the “In meeting room controls and video tiles” area.

Left side bar
The Left side bar contains all of the operational controls for the desktop client. This is where you’ll find the Menu, the Search box to find users and meetings, the SIP Softphone feature, the Community selector and all of the Meeting Rooms and Community Members for the selected Community(ies).

Clicking on the Diamond next to the options above will expand that option.
Clicking on the double arrows at the bottom of the window will lock the left side bar open.
When a user clicks on the menu button in the upper left corner of the left side bar they might notice that the Menu of items changes slightly when in a meeting vs. not in a meeting:
The following are all of the menu items:

We’ll describe each of the controls by referencing the number shown above.
1 – Audio/Video Position indicator – The position indicator moves as the audio or video is being played. The user can drag the position indicator to change the playback position.
2 – Play Button – Once a file is loaded press the Play button to begin playback. Broadcasting to the meeting, however, is controlled by #6. The Play button will change to a Pause button when the media is playing.
3 – Stop Button – This will stop playback and return to the beginning of the media file.
4 – Sound Output Button – Click on this to mute or unmute audio.
5 – Volume Slider – The user broadcasting media to the meeting can control the volume of the media for all parties.
6 – Broadcast Button – Broadcast of the media to the rest of the meeting does not start until the broadcast button has been pressed. This allows the user to position within the audio or video where they’d like to begin.
7 – Loop Button – Play the media file in a loop continuously.
8 – File Folder Button – Click the file folder button to select the audio or video file for playback. A text list of media files can also be selected to play a series of files.
9 – Length of Media / Position – The length of the media file time as well as the time position in the media.
10 – Playback Settings – Seen below, this allows the user to control the quality of the playback to the audience. Frame Rate, Bandwidth and Resolution can all be controlled for the remote parties. A checkbox is also there to show the quality of the transmitted video locally.

11 – Full-Screen Button – Set the video playback tool to full screen.
Record the meeting
Recording Preferences
In Menu → Preferences → Recording you’ll find the recording preferences. They are documented here: Preferences V4#Recording
Recording (default)
By default the desktop client will record in MP4 format. This makes for easy playback and uploading to a service such as YouTube.
This menu item will be greyed out if the room owner has disabled meeting recording.
When you select the ‘Record the Meeting’ option from the menu, all participants will see who is recording the meeting and you’ll see the following in the Video Tile area:

Here’s a closeup of the control:

The pause button will pause recording and the stop button will stop it. When the recording is stopped a chat message will be received with a link to the recording file.
Current Info
The ‘Current Info’ menu item will display information about the current Meeting Room that you are in.

Search for Meetings
Search for meetings lets you search for meetings within your communities.

The drop-down box ‘From my communities’ allows you to also select ‘Only my booked meetings’.
Entering text in the search box in the center near the bottom of the window will immediately search as you type. You can also search by Community Name by clicking on the down arrow next to the magnifying glass.
Using the ‘Export’ button will allow you to export an iCal file for import to a calendar entry.

At the top of the Bookings window clicking on the ‘Create’ tab will allow you to Book a meeting directly from the desktop client instead of needing to do it through the user portal.
Community lets you specify which community you will book the meeting in (if you belong to multiple Communities this would be relevant).
Meeting Title is the title of the meeting.
Access PIN is a 4 digit number that can be used to secure a meeting. Meeting participants would have to know this PIN to get into a meeting. It’s limited to 4 digits for backwards compatibility with H.323 systems.
Moderator Key is a PIN that a moderator would use to access a meeting.
Type of meeting:
Open Meeting – This is the standard type of meeting room.
Webinar – This is a Webinar type of session where there’s a presenter and users can raise their hands to ask questions. They can be promoted to presenters and turn on their mic/camera as well.
WebApps: Web applications you’d like to have opened in the desktop client when entering the meeting.
Private Booking if selected will display a method to search for community members to directly send them invitations to this new meeting.
Meeting Time:
Now – Creates a meeting and starts it immediately.
Scheduled – Schedule a one time or recurring meeting for some time and length in the future.
Click on ‘Create’ once the form is complete to create the new meeting.
Book a Meeting
Book a meeting brings up the meeting box as shown in the previous section with the ‘Create’ tab selected.
Join Meeting
It’s easy to join any meeting just by knowing the meeting ID. This meeting doesn’t even need to be in one of your communities.

Simply enter the meeting ID in the ‘Enter a meeting ID’ box or click on the down arrow to select a meeting you attended before. Click on ‘OK’ when you are ready to join the meeting.
Calling a H.323 or SIP Client
This menu option is used to dial a room system to bring it into the meeting room you are in.

Click on the Drop down for SIP or H.323 and enter the URI to call to contact the remote system. Advanced settings lets the user control the bandwidth used to connect to the remote device. Press “Call” button after you have entered the URI.

The “System Messages” box will display the status of the call. Once the call is established the system message area should display “Call Connected”.
Clicking on the dial pad icon will reveal a dial pad for sending DTMF tones to the remote system.

Send Report
The Send Report menu item allows the user to file a trouble ticket with the system maintainer.

Enter a description of the problem in the box and click on ‘SEND’ when done. The desktop client log will be included in the information sent.
The Documentation menu item has some off-line help for using different features in the desktop application.
Test Sending Audio/Video Loopback
The “Test Sending Audio/Video Loopback” menu item will place the application into Loopback mode so that the user can ensure that audio and video are being sent to the meeting room.
A small message will be displayed in the application as seen below:

And then the Loopback icon will be displayed in the menu bar at the top of the screen as seen in the following screenshot:

Click the Loopback icon to close Loopback mode.
Camera Configuration
Camera Configuration allows the user to enable/disable and control other settings about the cameras on the PC.
This is the same configuration as found by clicking on the Down arrow next to the Camera Control Icon when in a meeting.

If you add additional cameras to the system after starting the desktop client, click on the ‘Rescan’ button at the top of the Camera Configuration screen.
Green check marks will be next to each camera that is enabled. Click on the camera name to enable/disable. If no cameras are enabled, the ‘Still Image’ will be used. You can set your Still Image and your Avatar in the web User Portal.
On each camera video, there’s a Rotate icon to let you rotate the video as needed.
Underneath each camera display, you can control the Frame Rate, maximum Bandwidth, and the Resolution to send (you can only send a maximum of what is configured in the Meeting Room that you are in).
Select Audio Devices
This menu item brings up the Audio Setup Wizard.
If you plug in a new headset or other piece of hardware after you start the desktop client, you’ll need to scan the system for new devices. This is done by pressing “Scan Devices” in any of the hardware drop-down menus or via the button on the Audio Setup wizard as seen below:

To test your output, select the audio device you’d like to use from the drop-down menu next to the speaker icon. When you are satisfied with your selection, click “Test Sound” and you should hear some music. The button will change to “Stop Test”. Click “Stop Test” to end the sound output.
If you don’t hear music after clicking on “Test Sound” check the sound settings on your PC (Windows Control Panel, Mac Preferences, Linux Sound Settings) or your output device (speakers, headset, etc.).
To test your input (microphone), select the appropriate microphone from the drop-down menu next to the Microphone icon. When you are satisfied with your selection, click “Test Microphone” and talk when you see the button change to “Stop Test”. When you click “Stop Test” the words you just spoke will be played back through the speaker that was selected in the previous test.
The Desk Share Layout control lets you choose whether Deskshare operates as a window or full screen. A small menu as seen following will appear next to the Deskshare button near the top of the screen:

For most users we recommend using Windowed as this allows the user to resize what is being shared and easily move the Deskshare window from screen to screen.
Lightboard mode enables the Lightboard Feature documented below.
The desktop client’s User Preferences allow a user to control how the desktop client operates on startup and under normal operation. The desktop client’s user Preferences are set by clicking on the Menu button in the upper left of the application and then by clicking on ‘Preferences’. Once you do that the following pop-up window will be shown:

General Settings
There are two startup options listed at the very top of the Preferences window. These are Auto Login and Language.

The language used the in desktop client will be English unless you select a different language from the drop-down menu at the top of the window.
Disable Screen Saver While In Meetings
If you happen to be in meetings where you don’t interact with your keyboard or mouse, the computer’s screen saver may get enabled. This setting will prevent the screen saver from enabling while you are in a meeting.
Skip initial ‘Join a Meeting / Sign-In’ screen
Checking the Auto Sign-In box (or unchecking it) determines whether the desktop client proceeds directly into the application or stops and prompts at the Sign-In page each time.
Auto Sign-In with saved password
If using a userid and password the user can use this option to skip having to enter their password. This does not work for Single Sign On users.
Confirm when switching meetings
If this is checked, users will be prompted with a dialog box to ensure they want to leave the meeting they are in and go to the meeting they clicked on.
Skip startup sound
If this is checked the little guitar clip that’s normally heard when starting the desktop client will not play.

System Sounds Volume
The System Sounds Volume slider control lets the user control how loud the different desktop client system sounds are relative to their overall system volume.
Microphone on when entering meeting
Enabling the “Microphone on when entering meeting” option will cause your selected Microphone to automatically be enabled for every meeting that you join. If you do not enable this feature, you’ll need to click on the microphone for every room that you enter to enable it.
Auto Gain Control
The Auto Gain Control (AGC) feature adjusts the microphone input value automatically. If you have issues with your microphone always going to the maximum setting you may want to disable this setting.
Enable Echo Suppression
Echo suppression code attempts to deal with echo caused by your microphone picking up sounds from your speakers. Users with headsets don’t generally require this. In most cases, however, the user will want to leave this enabled.

Camera on when entering meeting
Enabling the “Camera on when entering meeting” option will cause your last selected camera to automatically be enabled for every meeting that you join. If you do not enable this feature, you’ll need to click on the camera for every room that you enter to enable it.
User Grouping
Each user can have multiple videos coming from their clients. Enabling User Grouping will contain all of the videos and user deskshare together in a “Picture-in-Picture” display.

You can select which video is larger with the double box icon (as shown in the screenshot above. The inset video can also be moved around by dragging it.
Show only active Videos
Users can choose to display video or not. If users do not show video, by default they will be represented by a still image they have uploaded. If as a user you’d like to save desktop space and not show the still images, you can enable ‘Show only active Videos’ and not display the still images.
Disable Animations
Animations are used as windows open or close or as you join and exit rooms. To speed up the display you may want to disable these animations which is the purpose of the ‘Disable Animations’ setting.
Change Still Image
The still image is displayed when the camera is enabled but no video cameras are enabled. This can also be seen in Menu -> Configuration -> Camera Configuration
Always show meeting control buttons
This setting will force the meeting control buttons to always be displayed within the Video Tile area.
These are the meeting control buttons, they auto-hide by default at the top of the screen when in a meeting room:


Incoming Chat Sounds
The user can select whether the desktop client plays a notification tone every time a new message arrives.
User Enters/Leaves Sounds
The user can select whether the desktop client plays a notification tone every time a user arrives or leaves the meeting room.
Show Popup When Hidden
The user can determine if popup messages are displayed or not when the desktop client application is hidden.
Show Popup for Hidden Tabs
Popup messages for Application Tabs that are hidden can be shown (or not) with this setting. App Tab popup messages may interrupt other actions in the desktop client and require that they be closed first.
Use a Compact Message Style
The setting “Use a Compact Message Style” will disable avatars in the Chat window and simply show different user names in different colors.
System Message
Informational messages from the system can be enabled or disabled or show only your own with this setting. System messages will be sent if somebody in a Meeting Room you are in is having connectivity troubles.
The desktop client has SIP Softphone capabilities built in. This is where you control the registration information required to register to the SIP system.

Register / unRegister
The Register button will allow you test the registration immediately. If successful, a green light will be shown and the window will indicate ‘Registered’ where it says ‘Not Registered’ at the top of the window.
The Registrar is the SIP server (or SIP Domain) that you’d like to register to. Sometimes your SIP user account is represented as sip:user@domain or sip:user@server. This entry would be ‘server’ or ‘domain’.
This is the user part of your SIP registration. Sometimes your SIP user account is represented as sip:user@domain or sip:user@server. This entry would be the ‘user’.
Auth User
The Auth User setting is used by some registrars (such as Cisco Call Manager) for authentication purposes. Your system administrator will supply this to you if your system uses Auth User.
The SIP password for your Registrar should be provided to you by a system administrator. This is usually a complex and long value for security purposes.
If your SIP system utilizes TCP based signaling vs. UDP signaling this can be enabled with this check box.
Auto Register
Will cause the desktop client to automatically register to your SIP registrar each time the desktop client is started.
Allow Inbound
The Allow Inbound setting controls whether you’d like to be able to receive phone calls in the desktop client or not.
Auto Answer
If any call comes in, your meeting audio will be muted and you’ll automatically answer the call.
The Ringtones button allows you to select a WAV file and set the playback volume of the ringtone.

Wav File
Click on the ‘Wav File’ button to pick a WAV file.
The slider control below the ‘Wav File’ button controls the ringtone volume.
Clicking on ‘New’ will allow you to set up a ringtone for a specific incoming caller.
Returns Ringtones to the default settings.
Closes the Ringtones screen.

Auto Transmit
Automatically start Deskshare when you click on the deskshare button. If Auto Transmit is disabled, a warning message will be displayed before Deskshare starts.
Show Share Locally
This controls whether the user sees their own deskshare or not. This might be useful if you are interested in what the other users in the Meeting Room can see.
Auto Deskshare Grouping
This setting controls whether Deskshare windows are automatically grouped with other video tiles from other users in a Meeting Room.
Choose LB Key Color
This button lets the user choose the Lightboard Key Color that will be used as a masking color for Lightboard mode. This would be the color that you make the background of anything you want to be replaced with your camera video within a deskshare session.

This is also accessible in the Camera Control.
Keyboard Shortcuts
There are keyboard shortcuts for most actions in the desktop client. This setting will let you control what keys are used for the different actions.

To change a particular shortcut, click on the current shortcut and then press the key sequence you’d like to use.


Get Update
The desktop client will check for updates on startup. If you don’t exit the application often, you can check for updates on the About screen. A ‘Get Update’ button will be displayed as seen above if there is a new update available.
The RNode (Routing Node) is the video server in use. A different video server in your community’s topology can be selected by clicking on the word ‘RNode’.

Typically the optimum RNode for your client is selected when you start desktop client. A different RNode can be selected at any time (even while you are in a meeting). Click on the RNode you’d like to change to and click on ‘Connect UDP’ (preferred, better video quality) or ‘Connect TCP’.
License Info
The ‘License Info’ button will display the eZuce software license information.
Copy Log File
This will allow the user to download a log file to send to technical support for assistance.
Connection Quality
The Connection quality bars will display at the bottom of the About screen to show the quality of your connection to the Panda. Three bars and green is the best, Yellow has two bars and usually indicates a TCP based connection. Red and one bar is a poor connection.
Enter Meeting Moderator Key
The moderator of a Meeting Room can mute, unmute and kick participants. The Moderator Key for a meeting is set when the meeting is created.
To become a moderator, select ‘Enter Meeting Moderator Key’ from the menu. The following box will be displayed.

Enter the moderator key and click on ‘OK’.
Once you are promoted to Moderator you’ll see a ‘#’ in front of your display name (as will other users).
If you mouse over users in the meeting you are in, you’ll notice that you have extra powers to now kick users. Moderators also can record meetings.
If you are already a moderator for the room this option will be greyed out.
My Account
Clicking on this menu option will take you to the user web portal where you must login to change your user profile information.

Sign out
The ‘Sign out’ menu option will bring the user back to the user portal login screen.
The ‘Exit’ menu option will exit the application.
Entering any text in the Search box will cause the system to display meeting rooms or community members that have any matches to the entered text.
Expanding the Phone option reveals a box to enter a phone number to dial.
The settings gear icon has options for the user to show or hide the dial pad and to configure SIP settings (see Preferences V4 for SIP Settings).

Clicking on the handset icon after entering a number will cause the client to dial.
When in a call the phone section will look as follows:

Checking the ‘Hear Meeting’ check box will allow the user to have a private conversation with the caller but still listen to the Meeting Room that they might be in.
The microphone with a slash allows the user to mute the mic.
The pause button will put the call on hold.
The dial pad button will allow the user to enter DTMF tones if needed.
The merge icon allows the user to bridge the current phone call into the meeting room the they might be in.
The handset icon will hang up the call.
Users can be members of one or more communities. If the user is a member of more than one community the user can use the settings gear to show only meeting rooms and community members from their favorited communities.

Meeting Rooms
Expanding the Meeting Rooms will reveal all of the meeting rooms available in the communities a user has selected. If you are in a meeting room, it will be displayed at the top of the list and show the participants. Mousing over the Meeting Rooms line will reveal a gear settings options to change room sorting and viewing of only favorite rooms.

Mousing over a particular meeting room will reveal the following:

The people icon shows how many users are in the room and if you click on it, the list of community members in the room will shrink. The lock icon will appear if you are a moderator for the room and allowed to lock the room. If you lock the room anybody trying to enter will be given the option to knock on the door. The star icon is to mark the room as a favorite.
The ‘i’ icon will display room information as follows:

Community Members
Expanding the Community Members section will reveal all of the Community Members in the communities a user selected to view. Mousing over the Community Members line will reveal a gear settings options to sort and view of only favorite community members. Additionally there’s an option to search for users who might be off-line so that you can send them a message which they’ll get when the get on-line.

A user’s own avatar will appear at the top of the list. Clicking on the gear icon to the right will allow a user to change their profile (including their picture) or update their presence status.

Mousing over other community members will allow a user to mark them as a favorite using the star icon.
Additionally, clicking on another community member allows for initiating a chat conversation or inviting that member to a meeting. If the user is in a meeting it will invite that other member to the meeting the user is in. If the user is not in a meeting, it will invite the member to an adhoc private meeting.
Right side bar
The right side bar controls what is seen in the Chat and WebApp area underneath the Video Tile area. At the top of the bar are Community Chats, followed by the Meeting Room chat if the user is in a meeting room. After meeting rooms comes users or other chat interactions (like from the recording subsystem).
Towards the bottom of the right side bar are any WebApps that are configured to follow the user or to be available in the meeting room that the user is in. New WebApps can be added by clicking on ‘Add New WebApp’.

Active Chats
The active chats are listed at the top of the right bar. Clicking on one of them will open the chat window below the video tile area. The controls are noted in the picture below:

WebApps allow you to bring applications into meetings and stay engaged with other participants while you might be researching something else.
WebApps can be any web based application or web page. To add one click on the ‘+’ sign and the following page will be displayed:

Pick one of the existing WebApps or enter the URL of one you’d like to use. We’ll choose www.zendesk.com for this example. Once you create a new WebApp, there will be some icons displayed in the bottom lower left. You can see the controls documented in the following screenshot:

In meeting room controls and video tiles
The in meeting room controls appear at the top of the video tile area and auto-hides up when not in use. Simply move your mouse towards the top of the video tile area and the controls will appear.
The controls as the appear from left to right are Camera Controls, Microphone Controls, Speaker Controls, Desktop Sharing Controls, Chat Window Control, Video Display Mode Selector and Exit Meeting

If you have multiple cameras on your computer you will see them here. You can enable any number of cameras attached to your system. If you enable none of the cameras, the image you select as ‘Still Image’ will appear when you enable your camera.
Notice the ‘Rescan’ option at the top of the screen. If you plug in a camera after you start the desktop client, you’ll want to Rescan so that the application can recognize the new camera.
On the different cameras that are enabled, you’ll notice some controls:

The camera flip control allow you to flip the local video to see it in reverse and if you click on it, a new icon will appear allowing you to transmit the flipped video as well:

Additionally, there’s an option to rotate the camera image. The rotated image is sent to the meeting automatically.
The third option on a video is the Picture button that will snap a picture from the live camera and make that your ‘Still Image’.
Below each live video there are options for maximum frame rate, maximum bandwidth consumption and resolution size. The amount of upstream bandwidth you require will be affected by these settings greatly.
Under the Still Image area, there’s a ‘Change Still Image’ button that will allow you to select an image file from your PC as the still image vs. taking one with a local camera.
Click on ‘Close’ at the top of the screen when your camera settings changes are complete.
Microphone Controls
Clicking on the microphone will enable or disable the local microphone. To change which microphone is selected click on the down arrow to the right of the microphone and select the microphone you’d like. If you don’t see your microphone in the list, try ‘Scan Devices’.

Speaker Controls
Like the microphone control, clicking on the speaker itself will mute or unmute the speakers. To change which speaker(s) is selected, click on the down arrow to the right of the speaker. If you don’t see your speaker in the list, try ‘Scan Devices’.

Full screen mode will draw a red line around the edge of the selected screen. To change your default full screen monitor, change to windowed mode and drag the desktop sharing box to the desired screen and then change back to Full Screen mode.
In Windowed mode a red square will appear on one of your screens as seen below:

Use the red triangle in the lower right to stretch the box and then position the box around whatever items you’d like to share on your desktop.
The ‘Power Button’ allows you to pause sending your desktop to the meeting.
The ‘X’ will close the Deskshare session.
Double clicking on the top bar will make Deskshare full screen.
Chat Window Control
The Chat Window Control allows the user to enable or disable that Chat / WebApp window area to make more room for video tiles.
Here’s a room with the Chat window area enabled:

And that same room with the Chat window area disabled:

Video Display Mode Selector
The Video Display Mode Selector allows the user to control how their video tiles are laid out in the Video area.

The different video display modes are (from left to right)
Disable All Videos – If your downstream bandwidth is extremely limited the user can disable all inbound video.
Limited Bandwidth Single Video Feed – If your downstream bandwidth is somewhat limited the user can get all videos as a single video.
Current Speaker – Shows the person currently speaking in a large video
Click to Select – The user can select which videos they would like to see in a larger format
Select All – Shows all videos being sent to a meeting
Horizontal – Shows all videos and user avatars in a single horizontal layout near the top of the screen. Useful if Chat or WebApp use is important.
Exit Meeting
The Exit Meeting icon will leave the current meeting but allow the user to remain in the desktop client.
Video Tile Controls
Mousing over a video in the video tile area will reveal some additional controls on the tile as shown below:

The two-box icon allows the user to detach the video from the desktop application window. This enables the ability to move particular videos or Deskshare windows to different monitors or to enlarge them.
Clicking on the advanced controls button reveals the Private Chat, Aparte, Zoom and Info options as shown below.

Private Chat
Opens a direct 1 to 1 chat with that user.
Aparte allows the user to have a private (sidebar) conversation with the other user. Other meeting members will still see any video being transmitted (and an indicator as to which users are in Aparte) but audio and Deskshare between the users is private.
The Zoom control allows the user to zoom in on a particular area of that video that’s being received.
The Info button displays technical information about that video feed. This includes Real Time Bandwidth, Frames per second, Resolution and Codec.
Additional Video Area Controls
When Chat and WebApp areas are active the user can expand or shrink the area allocated to video.

In certain video tile modes the user will be able to control the live video area, but the user will always be able to adjust the entire video area size with the bottom bar.
Special Features
Lightboard Mode
The Lightboard Mode allows a user to use their favorite presentation software and give their slide backgrounds a ‘green screen’ to become part of the presentation. This allows the presenter to create engaging presentations and stay engaged with his or her audience.

You can utilize PowerPoint or almost any other application that allows you to define a background color (or even your computer’s desktop).
To enable Lightboard Mode, while in a meeting enable it in the Deskshare settings:

The Deskshare icon will then change and show the ‘key color’ inside the Deskshare icon. To change the Deskshare key color or camera that will be used, click on the Camera Control settings down-arrow:

With Lightboard Mode enabled the user can select any enabled camera to be the Lightboard camera. The key color can also be set in the Camera Control settings by clicking on the green box (default color is green). There are several colors that can be selected. Any time that color appears within the red box of a Deskshare, the video from the selected camera will replace that color.
AppTabs have been renamed to WebApps (as we don’t have any more tabs) and we’ve made them easier to manage. In the right-hand side panel, click on the + symbol to add new WebApps.

By clicking on the ‘+’ in the right side panel the user will see the ‘Add new WebApp’ page. The user can pick from some suggested WebApps or enter any URL in the box that says ‘Enter URL’.

The WebApp page controls in the lower left of the WebApp area are documented above.
WebApps can also be assigned when creating a meeting. Here’s the ‘Book a Meeting’ page (accessible from Menu Button → Meetings → Book a Meeting):

When WebApps are added to a room, all participants that enter that meeting room will have the WebApps available in their right side panel.